Social Security Agreement between France and China: What to Know

The Social Security Agreement between France and China was signed on November 9th, 2015, and entered into force on January 1st, 2016. The agreement aims to promote the social security entitlements of individuals who are working or have worked in both countries, as well as their families.

What does the agreement cover?

The agreement between France and China covers various aspects of social security, including:

– Retirement

– Disability

– Survivors` benefits

– Sickness and maternity

– Workplace accidents and occupational diseases

To benefit from the agreement, individuals must satisfy the social security legislation of both countries. The agreement ensures that individuals are not subject to double contributions, which means that they pay into the social security system of only one country at any given time.

Who does the agreement apply to?

The agreement applies to individuals who are working or have worked in France and China, as well as their families. It can also apply to individuals who are self-employed, as long as they satisfy the relevant legislation in both countries.

The agreement covers individuals who are:

– French citizens working in China

– Chinese citizens working in France

– Third-country nationals working in either France or China

What are the benefits of the agreement?

The Social Security Agreement between France and China offers several benefits to individuals who are working or have worked in both countries. These benefits include:

– Portable pension rights: Individuals who have worked in both countries can aggregate their periods of contribution to qualify for a pension in either country. They can also receive their pension in the country where they are residing.

– Protection against loss of benefits: The agreement ensures that individuals who are subject to the social security systems of both countries are not disadvantaged, and their benefits are not reduced.

– Coverage for family members: The agreement covers family members of individuals who are working or have worked in both countries. This includes dependents, spouses, and children.

How to apply for social security benefits under the agreement?

To apply for social security benefits under the Social Security Agreement between France and China, individuals must contact the relevant authorities in both countries. In France, individuals can contact the Caisse nationale d`assurance vieillesse (CNAV), while in China, individuals can contact the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS).

In conclusion, the Social Security Agreement between France and China is an important development in promoting the social security entitlements of individuals who are working or have worked in both countries. The agreement offers several benefits, including portable pension rights, protection against loss of benefits, and coverage for family members. Individuals who are eligible for benefits under the agreement should contact the relevant authorities in both countries to apply.