Joint Development and Marketing Agreement

When two companies decide to work together on a project or product, they may enter into a joint development and marketing agreement. This type of agreement allows both companies to share resources, expertise, and profits, while reducing risks and costs associated with developing and marketing a product or service alone. Joint development and marketing…

Texas Mediation Settlement Agreement Form

If you`re involved in a legal dispute in Texas, it`s possible that mediation may be a quicker, less expensive option than going to court. If you and the other party in the dispute agree to mediate your case, you`ll need to prepare a mediation settlement agreement form. The purpose of a mediation settlement agreement…

What Is a Contract for a Piece of Work

A contract for a piece of work, also known as a work-for-hire agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a project between a client and a contractor. The contract specifies the type of work to be done, the deadline for completion, compensation, ownership of the work, and other important…