A offtake agreement is a type of contract that is commonly used in the mining, oil and gas, and other natural resource industries. Essentially, it is an agreement between a producer and a buyer for the purchase and sale of a particular resource.

What is a offtake agreement?

A offtake agreement is a legally binding contract between a supplier and a buyer of a specific commodity or product. It is an essential agreement that connects producers of raw materials with end-users and industrial consumers. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of the commodity, including price, quantity, and delivery schedule.

In simple terms, an offtake agreement guarantees that the producer has a buyer for their product, and the buyer has a reliable source of supply. The contract is entered into long before production begins, ensuring that the producer has a market for their product, even before the product is available.

Structure and Features of an offtake agreement

A typical offtake agreement includes the following key features:

1. Product description. The agreement should detail the commodity or product to be supplied, including its quality, specification, and quantity.

2. Pricing. The contract should specify the price at which the product will be sold, which can be subject to adjustments based on certain conditions such as market fluctuations or supply chain disruptions.

3. Quantity. The agreement should list the minimum and maximum quantities of the product the buyer is obliged to purchase.

4. Delivery schedule. The contract should specify the delivery period, including the time and location of delivery, and any penalties for late delivery.

5. Termination clauses. The contract should outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, including breach of contract by either party.

Advantages of offtake agreements

1. Stable pricing. Suppliers benefit from the stability of knowing their products are being sold at a fixed price, which can help them forecast revenue and make better production decisions.

2. Market access. Producers who sign offtake agreements have guaranteed buyers, which can be especially beneficial in the early stages of production when it may be difficult to secure customers.

3. Risk mitigation. Offtake agreements can mitigate market risks, such as supply and demand fluctuations, sudden changes in prices, or unforeseen disruptions.


Offtake agreements are a critical component of the natural resource industry. They provide producers with a reliable market, ensure buyers have access to a guaranteed supply and provide stability for both parties. By ensuring that both parties are satisfied with the terms of the contract, offtake agreements can help to build stronger relationships between suppliers and buyers in the long term.